Scientia Global, Inc.



June 6, 2013

Scientia Global to provide TETRA Communications System to the Lebanon Internal Security Forces.

Melbourne, FL, (June 6, 2013) – Scientia Global, Inc., a Melbourne, Florida based professional services company, along with its strategic partner, Sepura PLC, has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (DOS INL) for the Lebanon Internal Security Forces – Land Mobile Radio (LISF-LMR) Project. This award marks the first of several phases to build out a new nationwide communications system for the Lebanese Internal Security Forces.

Scientia and Sepura will provide to DOS INL a new LMR system based on European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) standard The system will be developed in four phases, and eventually will include over 60 base station sites, several control rooms, and multiple switching centers. The system has been designed to be highly reliable and fault tolerant in order to meet current requirements, while providing growth capacity and a clear migration path for new emergent technology.

“Scientia is particularly pleased to continue its history of support for stability in the Middle East,” said Dr. Martin Dougherty, President of Scientia Global. “At Scientia Global, our corporate goal has always been to provide the highest-level of support to programs of national and international significance for the United States and its allies. This new TETRA system will allow the Lebanese security forces to greatly expand its communications capabilities. We are looking forward to productive relationships with our technology partner Sepura, as well as our DOS INL customer and LISF system users.”

“Sepura is very proud to be selected by Scientia to deliver the new TETRA system. With Scientia we have a strong partner for Lebanon and the Middle East. Together we form a powerful and effective team to satisfy the customer and local end-users with state-of-the-art technology,” concluded Thomas Haschberger, CEO of Sepura Systems, one of Sepura’s lines of business.

Scientia Global (, founded in 2002 in Melbourne, Florida, offers professional and systems integration services in the scientific, engineering, and management consulting arenas. With worldwide reach and experience, Scientia experts have successfully completed projects in some of the most challenging and difficult environments in the world. It specializes in systems engineering, integration, and support of telecommunications, intelligence, and public safety technology systems, as well as other consulting programs.

Sepura (, headquartered in Cambridge, England, is a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of TETRA digital radios, systems and applications. It is the market leader in more than 30 countries, including the two largest TETRA markets in the world: UK and Germany. Sepura’s global customer base spans the public safety, military, public transport, airports, utilities and other commercial sectors. Sepura’s solutions enable its customers to operate more efficiently, effectively and safely, and solve operational issues. Founded eleven years ago, Sepura now has over 1,000,000 radios in use in over 100 countries.

Contacts: Martin Dougherty, President, Office: 321-733-1971 x501, Fax: 321-733-1713

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