Scientia Global, Inc.

From customer needs analysis, to systems definition, and all the way through to system specifications, implementation, and verification, Scientia Global applies a tailorable but disciplined process to translate customer needs into solutions. We believe that our process molds the combination of people, products and processes into capabilities that satisfy customer needs. By using a life-cycle approach and a continues systems engineering process, systems are produced that are maintainable, reliable, and that minimize life-cycle costs.

Systems Engineering Offerings
• Systems Engineering training and mentoring at all levels
• Systems Engineering process evaluation and development
• Experience DOD systems engineers with decades of experience
• Integrated Master Plans and Schedules
• Systems specifications and design
• Risk Management planning and execution
• Configuration management planning and execution
• Test planning and management
• User needs analyses and trade studies

Systems Integration Offerings
• Ph.D. level scientific R&D and system design and development
• Telecomms systems integration
• IT systems integration
• Remote sensing
• Public safety systems
• Security systems integration

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